Vertex Intelligent Tutoring System
As a leading developer of training solutions that enable users to learn faster, remember longer, and perform better, Vertex Solutions understands the importance of tracking student performance and analyzing the resultant data to prescribe additional training interventions, calculate return on investment, and improve existing training.
VertexITS is a modular intelligent tutoring system (ITS) and training management system designed to provide performance analysis and adaptive trainee feedback in XR applications:
- VertexITS provides a secure, HTTPS-based student and instructor login portal that can be accessed locally (from the system where it is installed) or remotely in a networked configuration.
- VertexITS integrates with simulations to analyze student performance and to trigger the overlay of instruction and hints in virtual environments, combining interactive multimedia instruction (IMI) and simulation into a single application and allowing students to practice while they learn.
- VertexITS dynamically incorporates assistance only when students need it to stay within their zone of proximal development.
- Over time, VertexITS "learns" from each student’s performance and customizes feedback to individual student needs, creating personalized training.
- VertexITS provides customizable student and instructor dashboards that allow each client to select what data to display, and the visual format of that data.
- VertexITS has been successfully integrated with Bohemia Interactive Simulations’ Virtual Battlespace (VBS) software, Prepar3D, Unity, Unreal, and other vendor-proprietary training applications.
VertexITS key features:
- Direct integration with training applications, or operation as standalone software
- Accessible from any device via a secure HTTPS interface
- User-, content-, and training-management interfaces customized for each training case
- User authentication data, training records, and training content stored using SQLite for local and portable cases, MySQL database interface for distributed use cases
- Adaptive and student-specific in-simulation feedback and scaffolding controlled via text, speech engine, dynamic content overlays, highlights, etc.
- Dynamic training and user-generated HTML5, video, image, PDF, and other content managed and displayed inside compatible simulation frameworks using multiple software-level web servers within the ITS
- Performance data for both procedural tasks and complex process tasks can be continuously monitored, tracked, and reported, both in simulation and via user interface